Micro-Habits For Weight Loss

Beginning a weight loss plan can be overwhelming. The pressure to prepare healthy meals every day, to go to the gym even when you don’t feel like it, and to give up eating foods you love can sabotage you into giving up before you’ve even started.

If you have found this to be true, the Healthy Habits system may be exactly what you need. Just by changing a few tiny habits, you can experience success right away, making you feel more positive about your weight loss journey and helping you to a sustainable healthy weight and healthy lifestyle for the long term.

Here’s how to develop healthy micro-habits that work for you.

Mind Your Portions

When shopping at the grocery store, it can be tempting to purchase foods in bulk to save money. But this is likely to backfire. You may find yourself eating even after you’re full to avoid food waste, a sure way to sabotage a healthy, balanced diet.

Portion control is a huge factor in any weight loss program and overall lifestyle. With that in mind, make sure you only purchase food in quantities that you’re going to eat. This might mean buying individual single-serving packages instead of bulk size boxes. Your trained Health Coach can guide you in determining healthy portion sizes. In addition, Optavia Fuelings come in convenient single-serve portion sizes to make it easier for you to only eat what you’re hungry for without wasting anything.

Eating many small meals and fuelings per day is a great habit to get into and will help control your weight, energy and create a healthy lifestyle.


Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

We’re repeating ourselves because hydration is so important!

That’s because when you’re feeling thirsty, your body may wrongly interpret this feeling as hunger, causing you to overeat. It’s true, drinking water is not nearly as much fun as eating a slice of bread or a cookie. Fortunately, you can now find a variety of flavored seltzer or sparkling waters to make the experience more enjoyable. Our bodies are made up of almost 75% water, so more water each day is always a great habit to create.

In addition, by working with your Health Coach, you can adjust your Fuelings to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients and protein every day, minimizing any hunger pangs.


Get Enough Sleep

We all know that getting enough shuteye helps us function better during the day. But It may surprise you to know that adequate sleep is directly connected to all aspects of your health, including maintaining a healthy weight.

Sleep deprivation causes your body to produce more of the hormones that make you feel hungry and less of the hormones that make you feel full. Try going to bed just 30 minutes earlier every night, and you’ll be amazed at the difference.


Add Vegetables To Every Meal

Often, the focus on weight loss plans is eliminating foods, we believe the best approach is to add more of the right foods to your diet. This gives your body the right balance of nutrients that it needs without causing you to feel deprived. Try adding just one cup of vegetables to one of your meals each day, then gradually add them to other meals as you progress.

Changing these few small habits will get you well on your way to sustainable weight loss and better health. Here is some additional information about Habits of Health.

We have a whole community here to encourage you as you take the small but important steps of developing healthy micro-habits. Reach out to us today and let us help you make several small steps that add up to big results in your life!
